IOT based Smart Irrigation System

Document Type : Original Article


Communication and Electronics Engineering Department , Egyptian Academy for Engineering and Advanced Technology , Cairo ,Egypt


A center pivot is a mechanized irrigation system type which irrigates crops in a circular pattern around a central pivot. Using Innovative IoT applications alongside center pivot irrigation system allows for increasing agricultural labor automation, better water management, cost rationalization and could aid farmers in making more informed decisions giving accurate real-time data that is collected and analyzed for making better decisions in the future. Our system is making the irrigation process very easy since we now in the age of the IOT systems and with our system we can make the irrigation process depending on the parameters that we take and take a specific action that we can irrigate or not when we can start and end irrigation process and also the required amount of it .This is what our System is presenting for the irrigation process Technique and we are presenting that in our paper and explaining the whole system


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